Tuesday, September 30, 2014

First Pediatrician Appointment

We went to Sam's first regular pediatrician appointment this morning.  We have had Dr. Calvert, now Hardy, since Emory's birth, and I love her.  It felt so weird just going to a normal doctor for Sam though!  The appointment seemed to be mostly about informing her about Sam's condition, which was fine by me.  Dr. Hardy's nurse has been her nurse since we started taking Emory there, but I also know her from a Bible study we did last year, so it was really nice to see a familiar face who was genuinely concerned about our situation.  I was most interested to see if he has gained weight--he's up four ounces since Saturday and back to his birth weight, which is GREAT!  His oxygen saturation was good, also.  Dr. Hardy told us to keep doing what we're doing!  She gave us a few questions to ask Dr. Kao when we see her next Monday.

We also met with a nurse who works in the special needs department at the pediatrician's office, and she seemed to understand his condition pretty well and will be a great resource for us.

Sam qualifies for the RSV booster, which is another huge blessing.  A NICU nurse explained to us that he will be more susceptible to respiratory illness because of the heart condition.  We have been instructed by every doctor now to keep Sam at home until after his first surgery, which will probably be in January.  With the girls, I had a huge itch to get out of the house about two weeks after we got home, but I have an incredible peace about this with Sam.  I know it's temporary, and it's what is best for him.  I'm sure there will be days when I JUST WANT TO SEE OR TALK TO AN ADULT, but I know the Lord will sustain me through this brief time, just like He has with everything else so far.

All in all, it was a pretty uneventful appointment, which is what we want!  I feel like I'm writing "which is..." a lot in this post...

A few pics to wrap this up...

Harper eats pizza in the most difficult way possible

He's so squishy.  I think I was most looking forward to snuggling him like this.

That girl is cray cray

Tiny baby Sam

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